Found Love

On Valentine’s Day, the commercialization of love expressions often gets lost in the authenticity of love embodied. I was grateful to have a mother who made sure every Valentine’s Day, my sister and I knew that we had love and love had us.

Over these last few years, I’ve found myself falling back in love with myself. I’ve sought out love in others only to discover that they could not love me the way I needed to be loved. And it wasn’t that they were incapable of love…I was not capable of articulating love.

What did love truly mean to me? What I thought only others could give was a figment of my imagination. So I began to dream beyond reason into a notion that my core love language was to be translated into my own being. I had to learn to love and trust myself before I could extend it to others in my romantic partnerships, familial relationships, and friendships.

I found love when I found myself and then I found you.

As I bask in your love, I’m reminded of Jill Scott’s melody “You love me especially different” this kind of love is not defined by words alone but by actions that reciprocate the depths of this love.

When you look in my eyes, I see the promised land filled with milk and honey…honey you are sweeter than the bee’s nectar. The essence of your presence sends me into another universe as I wonder about how wonderful you are…I retreat.

I think to myself that this love is above all else and you are the most beautiful thing that I’ve come to know. We continue to plant seeds so that this love with continue to flourish and grow beyond the skies…with our heads lifted high as we bask in this love between you and I.

Brittany Davis

Brittany Davis is a co-founder of Black Girl Bloomin in partnership with Chandra M. As a creative intellectual, she is committed to amplifying marginalized voices and providing safe spaces that cultivate holistic wellness, liberation, and reflexivity. Brittany is originally from Atlanta, GA, but resides in Miami, Florida, where she manages the Women’s Center at Florida International University.


He Was A Fairytale