Goddess of Love


If I was a goddess 

I would be the goddess of love 

I would spread love in the air 

like a whimsical fairy spell 

It would make you feel good

Make you embrace life 

Make you enjoy every sensation 

In every moment 

Make you more loving 

To yourself 

To all living things 

I would gain more power as 

Loving energy surrounds me 

They didn’t have to say anything 

Just from the smile on their faces

Or the sparkle in their eyes 

The kindness of their actions

I would feel it 

It would feed me 

I could feel the vibes all around me

I would let it envelop me 

And I would grow stronger 

And more powerful

Just feeding off love 

Overflowing with love 

I am always giving back 

To people, the planet and animals 

I the goddess of love

 am always protected 

Never neglected 

Love feels like life in 

the present moment 

Full of energy and vibrancy 

Where all true power lies. 


Bella is a passionate writer, artist, and creative mind. Embracing the beauty of the present moment, Bella is deeply committed to promoting health and well-being. With a genuine love for creativity and a keen eye for beauty, she explores various mediums to express her artistic vision and inspire others to prioritize self-care and mindfulness. 


Loving Yourself After The Fire


Mother’s Love